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Our Campaign’s Top Issues

Responsive, Good Government

Government should work for the people and be responsive to their needs and concerns. I believe in democracy and representative government that stands up for the needs of citizens. Representatives should do all they can to understand issues from all angles and find solutions that balance the interests of all their constituents.

Attainable Housing

The allure and promise of America lies in opportunity. Opportunity to work hard, work wisely, and make a successful life for yourself and your family. On the coast, the soaring cost of living, especially housing costs, is putting success out of reach for too many people. I’ll continue to work toward eliminating barriers and unnecessary red tape so that the American Dream can be attainable for more

Health Care for All Oregonians

Health care should be accessible, affordable, and responsive to patient needs. All Oregonians should be able to seek and get high-quality care, including medical, behavioral health, vision, and dental care.